Church of God That is in Christ Jesus

International Ministries

The Gospel 

 There is only one Gospel that is preach and teach.The redemption of Christ was accomplished through His vicarious and redemptive death for the sinners. When we the sinners receive this redemption, we are forgiven, cleansed, justified, and reconciled to God. Based on Christ's redemption, God in His salvation forgives, cleanses, justifies, reconciles, and regenerates us through Christ's resurrection and renews, separates, and sanctifies us through His Spirit. Furthermore, the Spirit transforms us through the life-element of the pneumatic Christ, conforming us to the image of God's Son Christ, and finally glorifying us with the divine glory into which Christ has entered. This salvation which God accomplished through Christ's death and resurrection and through the Holy Spirit's work of regeneration, renewing, separation, sanctification, transformation, conformation, and glorification .. God's salvation is based on grace, which is different from the law, and is not based on man's works according to the law.but what His Son did on the Cross.

In Christ

Of him are ye in Christ Jesus." God himself has put us in Christ, and in his dealing with Christ, God has dealt with the whole race. Our destiny is bound up with We first must see that everything that God is doing in us is never in us but only in Christ. As God deal with Christ he deal with every believer
we will never have anything outside of Christ. We was crucified with Christ and God have Bless us with every spiritual blessing in Christ.


We also should recall the Lord's word in John 4:24: "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." Here the Lord points out a fundamental principle: God is Spirit, and man can only touch Him with his spirit. God is Spirit, and we can only worship Him with our spirit; we cannot worship Him with anything other than the spirit. God is Spirit, and we cannot worship Him with our mind, emotion, or will. Colossians 2:23 speaks of "self-imposed worship." This means worshiping with the will. This is wrong because God is Spirit, and because God is Spirit, those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.


To be a Christian is to be a spiritual person.What does it mean to be spiritual, and what is the difference between being spiritual and being good or religious? To be spiritual is to be leded and filled with Christ. Thus, a true Christian is a person who is led and filled with Christ. The word Christian means “an adherent of Christ.” A genuine adherent or follower of Christ is a man of Christ, a Christ-like, one who is filled with Christ. To be spiritual is also to be one who is filled with the Spirit, for the Spirit is the reality of Christ, and Christ today is the Spirit (1 John 5:6; John 16:12-15; 1 Cor. 15:45b). If we do not have the Spirit, we do not have Christ, because Christ is the Spirit. Second Corinthians 3:17 clearly states, “And the Lord is the Spirit.” Furthermore, Romans 8:9 says, “But you are not in the flesh, but in the spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Yet if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not of Him.” This verse reveals that we are of Christ because we have the Spirit of Christ. Thus, if we do not have the Spirit of Christ, we do not belong to Christ. We can never divide the Spirit from Christ, because Christ and the Spirit are one. The Father, The Son, The Spirit are not three separate . They are one who is three-one. Just as  God is one, Christ and the Spirit are also one. Thus, if you have the Spirit, you have Christ. This makes you a Christ-like—a man who is leded and filled with Christ. Furthermore, a Christ-like is a Spirit-man—a man who is led and filled with the Spirit of Christ. This is what it means to be a Christian. A Christian is not a good man or a religious man; a Christian is a spiritual man, a man who led and
filled with Christ as the Spirit.


We believed no man deserve Grace base on work. Grace mean that God has done something for me. What do that mean we believed God have already did the work in his Son  Christ Jesus.what we do is enter into the work that have been done for us in Christ. by faith.We believed God wll answer all our need by one way and one way only that is showing us more of his Son Jesus Christ


The redemption of Christ was accomplished through His vicarious and redemptive death for the sinners. When we the sinners receive this redemption, we are forgiven, cleansed, justified, and reconciled to God. Based on Christ's redemption, God in His salvation forgives, cleanses, justifies, reconciles, and regenerates us through Christ's resurrection and renews, separates, and sanctifies us through His Spirit. Furthermore, the Spirit transforms us through the life-element of the pneumatic Christ, conforming us to the image of God's Son Christ, and finally glorifying us with the divine glory into which Christ has entered.

 This salvation which God accomplished through Christ's death and resurrection and through the Holy Spirit's work of regeneration, renewing, separation, sanctification, transformation, conformation, and glorification is different from the reward which God will give to the believers at the time of Christ's coming. God's salvation is based on grace, which is different from the law, and is not based on man's works according to the law. God's reward is based on the overcoming life which believers in Christ live out after they are redeemed and saved, and this reward is through faith, by Christ's resurrection life, and by the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit. This reward is also based on the work, in Christ and by the Holy Spirit, of the building up of the church, the Body of Christ, which accomplishes God's eternal plan. God's salvation is eternal; it includes saving us from our past sins, our present bondage of sin, and our temptations and failures into the ultimate enjoyment and full taste of  God with all His riches in the New Jerusalem in the new heaven and the new earth. God's reward is dispensational and is limited to our reigning and obtaining glory together with Christ in the millennial kingdom during the manifestation of the kingdom.

The Body of Christ/ The Church

 The church is constituted of all those who believe into Christ and who belong to Christ. On the one hand, this church is universal, and on the other hand, it is local. On the universal side, the church is both God's house and the Body of Christ in the universe. On the local side, the church is the local manifestation of the house of God and the Body of Christ. These local manifestations are the many local churches which together form the one unique church in the universe. This church as God's house is also God's household and God's habitation, which affords God the satisfaction and joy of a Father with His children; it is also God's dwelling place, which affords Him full and satisfying rest. In this way, He can freely express all that He is, has, and can do in this house. This church as the Body of Christ is an organism by which Christ moves and walks among mankind and through which He lives out His all-inclusive self. This Body is also the bride of Christ, the counterpart of Christ; it is out of Christ, unto Christ, and for the satisfaction of Christ's love. This Body is also a new man created by Christ in Himself, being constituted with His life and element for the fulfillment of the eternal plan  of God. In order to exist among mankind, this church is scattered over all the earth to become the many separate local churches. Each one has its elders for administration appointed offices and deacons for service. In business affairs the churches are independent and separate, but in life and nature they are still one universal Body, receiving the same apostles' teaching, maintaining the one apostles' fellowship, and bearing the one testimony for Christ for the accomplishment of God's one plan . Such a church is composed outwardly of the many saints called out by God from the world.

The Holy Spirit 

The Spirit is the application of the God. The Spirit reaches those who have believed, and received  the Son of God. The Spirit applies to them The Father   who is in The Son. He is the Spirit of life and the reality of life; He is also the life-giving Spirit, dispensing life to those who believe into the Son. As such, He is the regenerating Spirit who regenerates the believers with the life of God the Father in God the Son, making them the children of God. He then becomes the indwelling Spirit within them as the reality of all things. He is the renewing Spirit who renews the man of the old creation into God's new creation with God's eternally new and never-aging life. He is also the sanctifying Spirit who separates and sanctifies the believers with God's sanctifying nature. He is the transforming Spirit who transforms them with the life element of Christ into His image. He is the first fruits, the foretaste, of God as the eternal portion of those who have believed into the Son. He is the Spirit of power poured out on the believers of the Son as the authority for their work. He is the reality of the Will of God, the reality of Christ, the reality of all the truths, and the reality of the resurrection of Christ. Only by receiving Him will a man possess the Fullness of God, the truths of Christ, and the power of the resurrection  Christ.


 Born by a virgin,was conceived as a man with both the divine nature and the human nature and Jesus who (is  Fullness of God as well as Fullness of Man), thus  He brought God into man, and within human flesh, He lived a human life on earth, expressing God by living out all of god's attributes through His human virtues.

 He is the Christ this is God's Anointed one. He came to accomplish the eternal plan which God had purpose for the expression of Himself. God desire that this Christ be the centrality and universality in his eternal plan and that He would have the preeminence over all thing in both creation and redemption,Transcending the form of God and taking the form of a servant, and  was found in the fashion as a man and was obedience even to the cross. 

 The death of Christ is not a martydom, but a vicarious death on the behalf of us to remove our sins, to condemn sin in the flesh,to annul the ordinances which seperated us, to release God's eternal life from within Himself for us. 

God rise Christ from the dead, such a resurrection makes him  lord and the first born of many brethren Which makes him divine in nature and human nature. His resurrection also transformed Him into a life-giving Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the reality of life, who enters into His believers to regenerate them, to bring their humanity into divinity, to make them God's many sons.

God and His Eternal Purpose

God, The Father

  God is eternal. self-existing,having no beginning or ending,and complete and perfect in every sense. God express, himself as the Father, through the Son and by the Spirit. The Father is the source of all life, the Son is expression, and the Spirit is the application. The Son is the embodiment of the Father, while the Spirit is the reality of the Son, who express God to those who believe in the Son.  God is Spirit and those that worship God must be spirit. God is also holy and righteous. Holiness refers to God's inward nature, while righteousness refers to God's outward acts. God is light(and the light is the Life of man).and love.

God extraordinary wisdom and accomplishes superlative work has a good pleasure according to His heart's desire, which is to gain a group of men who would become one with Him, sharing the same life, the same living, the same move, and the same work as His. He may express Himself in glory through them. Therefore before the foundation of the world he purpose in Himself an eternal plan. The plan is that his Son is to be the centrality and univrsality that He would have the preeminence in all things.


God has accomplished everything for man. Since everything has been accomplished, certain “facts” exist. And since they are existing “facts,” man does not have to accomplish what has already been accomplished. All of God’s works are complete.However, God’s grace is a righteous grace. This is why, with the “facts,” there is still the need for human cooperation. What kind of cooperation is this? It is not to add anything to what He has finished, but to have man acknowledge that what God has done is real. This is faith.Faith is to acknowledge that what God has said and done is true. Faith is to accept the facts, that is, to acknowledge them as facts.Faith is a “cashing in.” We use the words “cashing in” in the sense of one cashing a check at the bank. Suppose someone gives you a check. That the bank has the money is a fact. For you to cash the check for money is to acknowledge the fact that the bank possesses whatever amount is written on the check. It takes faith to “cash in.” With faith, one can cash in and thereby have the money to use. Now, to spend the money is the “experience.” To have the money in the bank is the “fact,” to cash the check is “faith,” and to spend the money is “experience.” In God’s grace, what He has done for man are facts. But man must still need to experience these facts by faith.